June 29, 2009


"solitude is painful when one is young,
but delightful when one is more mature."

~ Albert Einstein

I so relate to this statement, this image was taken on my trip, to work at my mothers gardens... all last week...so so loved the drive, I guess i wasn't alone...my pups joined me for the trip. I will be sharing the images of the garden walk, at some point in time...I just need to get caught up on some editing (real jobs)...hope all are enjoying these hot temps...xo

June 23, 2009

living outside the box...

"you have your way,
I have my way,
As for the right way,
the correct way,
the only way,
it does not exist."

~Fredrich Nietzsche

June 22, 2009

the sweet smell of the rain...

we have had the most wonderful rain storms...I love the thunder and lightening...it gives me the best natural high inside and out...after... I go out in the garden and just sit and enjoy the moment...peace

June 15, 2009

a little foxglove...

well...happy Monday!!...Sunday was my last day at the garden nursery...it was fun but gotta keep moving down the road...shot a wedding Saturday...cute country style...with the horse and all...I always forget how much fun I have...today though, I made myself stay inside and organize my office, you would think I spend all my time outdoors...Ha Ha

June 13, 2009

white collection in the north garden...

the air is sweet...the little birds are playing in the garden...the light is full ...life is simple and sweet...may all of you have a wonderful day....xo

June 8, 2009

new collections of blooms....

sweet peony....of mine...in the front garden...there is this amazing scent from this bloom...I could
sit next to her all day and enjoy her presents....

June 4, 2009

road trip....

it's friday...I am pretty much a week late...time doesn't change a thing though...it still happened, and life is still grand, my nephew graduated...moving on down the road of life...had to stop to shoot the wild flowers,wind machines, and some old friends.....