"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom." -Ansis Nin
Good timing. I was reading the Guardian Review last Saturday and I was thinking of getting Susan's journals. I will add this on to my list. Thanks for the recommendation.Greetings from London.
I am so glad that you recommended the Sontag. I filed it in my mind long ago, and needless to say, it got lost!Enjoyed your interview!
I need to get this book, then.
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Good timing. I was reading the Guardian Review last Saturday and I was thinking of getting Susan's journals. I will add this on to my list. Thanks for the recommendation.
Greetings from London.
I am so glad that you recommended the Sontag. I filed it in my mind long ago, and needless to say, it got lost!
Enjoyed your interview!
I need to get this book, then.
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