"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom."
-Ansis Nin
January 22, 2009
open communication
About a week ago, I was asked to give a presentation at an photo expo in May, not so much into this...but know it would be a great experience teaching others about photography... so I have decided to {show and tell} about how to capture children as they are, with open communication. These photo's are of little Will, been shooting him since he was 8 months old..love him.
Can't tell you why, but the last two are my favorites. He is a cute guy. How wonderful that you have been able to photograph him for so long!
These are adorable. Love the outfit, too. Especially the hat. you have a knack with children, obviously!
What lovely photos! And what a good photographer, too :-)!
Greetings from London.
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